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  • Carolina Yards, in Cary N.C., is a new home for meaningful connections and memories. A town within a town, the project reframes the future of mixed use, while reflecting the history and generations of its area. Imbued with warm Southern intimacy, Carolina Yards has public spaces, offices, retail, F&B, culture and recreation rooted in the Triangleā€™s history of sport, craftsmanship and community. Carolina Yards imagines an innovative kind of interconnectivity, informed by technology and sustainability

  • Brand vision
    Brand architecture
    Brand narrative
    Brand identity
    Art direction
    Social media strategy

  • Print and digital collateral
    Photography and film
    CGIs and animation
    Digital design and development
    Immersive brand journey and sales gallery design

The Seventh Art created a comprehensive brand identity for Carolina Yards, which embodies authenticity, warmth, texture and connection. From positioning that emphasizes emotional connection to the brandmark, inspired by the projectā€™s architecture and color palette that is both vibrant and warm, influenced by lifestyle and environment.

As the project is mixed-use, with various residential, commercial, retail, hospitality and market components, the brand identity developed by The Seventh Artā€™s comprises a comprehensive brand hierarchy, which allows all sub-brands to be recognizable as unique, yet coherent and consistent with the main brand. The brand hierarchy also ensures that sub-brands can evolve and be flexible, while maintaining the original spirited look and feel of the main brand.

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